To get into the Purim spirit, I want to blog a bit about the personality of one of the main characters in the Book of Esther, the Megillah that we read on the holiday of Purim.
In general, the seven personalities in The Seven Ways are learned out from the Ushpizin (Avraham, Yiztchak, Ya’akov, etc.). These Ushpizin are the central figures in Tanach (Jewish scriptures). But what about the other people in Tanach? Do they tell us new personalities?
The answer is ‘no.’ In actuality, the other characters in Tanach have the same seven as the Ushpizin. So the Ushpizin are the primary examples that we learn from and all other characters are just additional manifestations of the seven.
Purim is coming up and, if you look closely, you’ll see that Achashverosh has a very specific personality.
The book of Esther begins with King Achashverosh making a party for all his ministers and servants and the army of
But who is this Achashverosh? The Gemara tells us that Achashverosh was once a stable boy. He became king by marrying Vashti who was queen at that time (she inherited the throne because her grandfather was Nevuchadnetzar.) So a stable boy became king because the queen liked him? Do you think that kind of stuff would have happened in the cruel dictatorships of Nevuchadnetzar or Paroh? I think not. Grandpa would not be proud.
And would those two dictators have had 127 different countries under their rule? No way! They would unite them into one big mega-empire! And would they have sent out letters to each of those 127 countries in their own languages like Achashverosh did? I think not! Same thing! I just added a similar question for added affect!
And why would Achashverosh let so many people come into his palace? Wasn’t that dangerous? Isn’t he afraid of everyone infiltrating the capitol and plundering his wealth?
So who is this Achashverosh guy?
The truth is that Achashverosh was a very different ruler than Nevuchadnetzar or Paroh. Rulers like Paroh are Malchus rulers. They rule with an iron fist and dictate every single thing that happens in their empire. But Achashverosh is different. He’s a Yisod. And fortunate for him, the
A Yisod is a leader who uses dynamic and innovative means to influence the public. They have new ideas and new ways to improve society. They don’t dictate like Malchus leaders do; they motivate and encourage. They look at people for who they are and they entrust others.
Yisods have natural leadership abilities. They want to work with people and are open to listen to new ideas. They have a certain charm and pizazz. You get excited around them. They draw a crowd and they love influencing other people’s thinking. Achashverosh led the
In other words, Achashverosh is one of the most famous types of Yisod: the Politician.
Achashverosh sent messages to each province in its own language because he wanted them to feel important. He didn’t send an army to destroy them, rather, he tried to work *with* them. He invited so many officers to his palace to wine and dine them and get them on his side. You get more flies with honey than with vinegar. In other words, the political atmosphere in the world changed so that multiculturalism and the type of politics that we have today could be tolerated. A stable boy could become king if had the right ideas and he was a good politician. Achashverosh was the right Yisod in the right place at the right time.
(I’m not sure what Yisods did before this era in history. Maybe they used to hang out with their good buddies the Tiferes people or maybe they just swung business deals and got rich without ever hoping to be in charge of actual countries. But one thing it for sure. They couldn’t have been so happy.)
But, unfortunately for Achashverosh, this openness led to problems. One big problem was paranoia. Achashverosh barricaded himself up in his palace and worried all day about assassination attempts. His openness opened up the door to evil. Little did he know that Haman--the man who he should fear the most--was sitting next to him all along.
But ultimately, his openness to marry Esther saved him because Esther brought her brave heroism and her Uncle Mordechai into the equation. The two heroes ended up being the people who saved the day.
And...speaking of Paroh...hopefully before Pesach I’ll blog a bit about Paroh’s Malchus personality. There’s a lot to say about that and it’ll try to give you some good stuff to say at the Seder.
You should have a fun, festive Purim. Let the Mitzvahs of Purim give you a new openness to reach new heights in your Judaism. Give two foods to two people who you should become better friends with. Listen to the deep lessons of the Megillah. Give Tzedakah money to people who need it.
And may the wine of Purim open you up to connect with other Jews and break down the barriers between you and other people.
Rabbi Bailey